Emergency Repair Disk (ERD)

An Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) contains a copy of your configuration. When you create an ERD, SANsymphony software copies the SANmapper.dat and SANmapperGen.txt configuration files. These configuration files are vital to your SAN.

We recommend that you create an ERD each time you change the configuration in order to have a restorable copy of your configuration handy. If a hardware (e.g., disk failure) or software failure occurs, it will be easy to recreate your configuration using this ERD. Keep the ERD in a safe place. The configuration files can be saved to another device (floppy drive, thumb drive, or network share).


For AIM Configurations:

AIM configuration files are stored locally. Therefore, it is necessary to make a separate ERD on each storage server running AIM in the region. This can be done without an apply using the Create ERD command. AIM source configuration files (DcsAim.cfg and AIMSource.cfg) are stored in the DataCore SoftwareSANsymphonyAIM subfolder on the AIM source server. AIM destination configuration files (AimDestination.cfg and AimService.cfg) are stored in the AIM destination buffer folder on the AIM destination server.


To create an ERD:

In SANmanager, from the File menu, select Create ERD. Enter or browse to the location where the files should be saved and click OK.

To create an ERD with every configuration apply, also:

In SANmanager, from the Preferences menu, select Create ERD with each Apply.


In addition to creating the Emergency Repair Disk, we suggest you keep a detailed record of each storage server in the SAN. You may need this information to modify your existing configuration. Include the following:

  • Storage Server Serial Number (available in the license file).

  • SAN Region name.

  • Computer name.

  • Installed options.

This information is available by creating a Support Bundle and saving it to another device or network. You can also generate a Network Diagram report with this information in the SANcentral interface. For more information, refer to Support Bundle and Producing a Network Diagram.

Related Topics:

Applying the Configuration

Restoring Configuration from ERD

Emergency Repair Disk (ERD)