Channels Tab

The Channels tab displays your network configuration. It is also where you can add and modify channels and application servers for use in your SAN, and associate discovered channels with these application servers. SANmanager defines an HBA channel alias for each HBA channel in storage domain and application servers. The default name or alias used by SANmanager is the system name appended with _x where x is the HBA number beginning with “1.” Channel aliases can be changed to make them more useful to you. Channel aliases must be unique within a region. (For basic information, refer to About Network Connectivity.)

SANsymphony channelstab2 Channels Tab

Column Information

Following are descriptions of the column information displayed in the right pane for the different views of the tab, available according to the selections in the left panes. Review any referenced topics for additional information.

Right Pane Information

App Servers Folder Selected

Application Server Name

Name of the application server.


Refers to the operating system type and is used for iSCSI error responses. This can be changed in the Application Servers Properties dialog box.

Application Server/ Available App Channels Folder/ Storage Server Selected

Channel Name

Alias of the channel for the selection.

Channel ID

World Wide Name of the Fibre Channel or the iSCSI node name.


Mode can be target only (T), initiator only (I), or both target/initiator (T/I).

# of mappings

Number of mappings to application servers.

SDS Folder Selected


Name of the storage server.

Serial #

World Wide Name of the storage server.

Channels Used

Number of channels in use by the storage server.

Mapped Storage

Size in GB of all virtual volumes mapped from the storage server.

Context Menu Information

Following are the available context menu items and where to find them. Review any referenced topics for additional information.



Context Menu Items

App Servers folder


New Application Server – refer to Adding Application Servers to the SAN.

Application Server


New Application Server – refer to Adding Application Servers to the SAN.

New AppServer Channel – refer to Manually Adding Channels to Application Servers.

Delete – removes an application server from the SAN. All mappings must be removed prior to deleting.  

Properties – opens the dialog box in order to change the name and system type.

SDS folder


Refresh Existing Configuration – Rescans disks and channels and views the current configuration. Use this option to discover new hardware.

Storage Server


Mirror Paths – refer to Specifying the Mirror Path.  (This must be configured prior to creating mirrors.)

Delete – deletes the storage server. Refer to Deleting Storage Servers from the Region.

Properties – use to view all the properties of the storage server. Refer to Storage Server Properties.



Delete – deletes the channel from the configuration.

 Rename*  - renames the channel alias. Refer to Changing Channel Aliases.

 Replace* – refer to Replacing Channels and Replacing Channels That Use Soft WWNs.

Properties – displays the Channel Properties, where the channel name can be changed.

*Channel aliases must be unique within a region.

Related Topics:

Navigating SANmanager

SANmanager Menu Bar

Channels Tab