SANcentral Menu Bar

The table below displays the commands available in the menu bar. Review any referenced topics for additional information.


Commands and Additional Information


Start Virtualization/Stop Virtualization (refer to Starting the DataCore Virtualization Service)

Upgrade License (refer to Upgrading a Storage Server License)


Join a Region – Allows a storage server to become part of a specified region. Refer to Joining a Region.

Leave the Region – Removes a storage server from the current region in order to join a different region or remove it from the SAN. Removing the node will result in the node losing the configuration of the current region. Refer to Leaving the Region.

Add a Node to the Region – Allows the local storage server to add another storage server to the same region that it belongs to.  Refer to Adding a Storage Server to the Region.

Set Online/Set Offline – Allows you to set a storage server offline and bring it back online. A storage server that is set offline will not be able to communicate with other storage servers in the region. You may want to do this if you are performing maintenance activities.

Remove from the Region – Permanently removes a remote storage server from the region. This option is only available if a storage server is selected. Before removing the storage server, remove all references to it within the SAN from mappings to pools. Refer to Removing a Storage Server from the Region.

Resynchronize with the Region – A storage server may need to be synchronized with the rest of the region when it is not receiving configuration updates, such as after a network failure which isolated a particular computer (see the Event Viewer or Alarms Tool).

Event Viewer (also available in the toolbar when Alarms tab is active)


Failback to Primary Path

Enable Client Access to this Volume

Switch Dual Path Access to this Volume

Start Recovery Using this Volume as Healthy Base (refer to Status Tab Menu Actions for information on the above actions)

Alarms (refer to Alarms Tab)

Acknowledge Alarm

Clear Alarm

Acknowledge All Alarms

Clear All Alarms



Add Hub (refer to Adding/Configuring Hubs, Switches, Routers for information)

Add Switch

Add Router

Changing Bitmaps


Show All – displays all virtual volumes.

Show Failed only – displays only the virtual volumes with errors or warnings.

Show Volumes Mapped to Node – displays all virtual volumes mapped to the highlighted node.

Show Volumes Served by Node – displays all virtual volumes served by (mapped from) the highlighted node.


Refer to SANcentral Tools for information.


DataCore SANsymphony Help – opens the Help.

About DataCore SANsymphony

SANcentral Menu Bar