Status Tab

SANsymphony software provides tools to help you diagnose SAN operations. The Status tab in the SANcentral interface provides information about the status of virtual volumes, volumes, and mirrors.  You can also access diagnostic and performance tools from the Tools menu or the Toolbar.  

The Status tab provides several different views of information in the right panes depending on the element selected in the left pane. Following is one view— of virtual volume information for a selected storage server. Select a specific virtual volume in the upper-right pane to view more specific information on associated volumes and mappings for that virtual volume in the lower-right pane. For additional views, refer to Status Tab Graphics. Icons are used for identification and information in the Status tab. Refer to SANcentral Status Tab Icons for icon descriptions.

SANsymphony statustabsdsview7 Status Tab


Depending on the element selection made in the left pane, different column information is displayed in the right panes.

Element Selected (left pane)

Column Information (right pane, from left to right)


Lists the domain names in the region.

Domain Name

Mappings information for the selected domain:

Status [ ! ] – Status icons indicate additional information about mapping status. Refer to SANsymphony Status Icons for icon details.

Virtual Volume – Virtual volume alias.

Initiator – The system that sends I/O over the network; commonly an application server in a SAN.  

Target – The system that receives I/O.

Logical Size (MB) – Size of the LUN  that application servers discover when the virtual volume is mapped. Virtual Volumes can be resized when unmapped in the Virtual Volumes Properties dialog box.

Status – Mapping status. Refer to SANcentral Status Descriptions for details.

Nodes / Storage Domain Servers folder

Column Information for all the nodes in the region:

Write-Through Cache – Icon [SANsymphony writethrucacheenabled Status Tab] indicates this is a write-through volume. Refer to Write Through Mode for more information.

Proxy Mode – Icon [SANsymphony proxymodeenabled Status Tab ] indicates this is a proxied volume. Refer to About Proxied Volumes and Enabling/Disabling Proxy Mode for more information.

Node Name – Alias of the application server or storage server.

Type – Either application server (AS) or storage server (SDS).

Status – Status of the storage or application server, if the system is in “Up” status, no status is provided. Refer to SANcentral Status Descriptions for details.

Attributes – Indicates additional attributes for storage servers, such as Traveller.

Application Servers folder

Lists the application server names in the region.

Application Server Name/

Storage Domain  Server Name/

Virtual Volumes

Column Information (upper-right pane)

Information for virtual volumes can be displayed per application server, storage server, or all virtual volumes in the region (depending on the selection in the left pane):

Status [ ! ] – Status icons indicate additional information about mapping status. Refer to SANsymphony Status Icons for icon details.

Write-Through Cache – Icon [SANsymphony writethrucacheenabled Status Tab] indicates this is a write-through volume. Refer to Write Through Mode for more information.

Virtual Volume – Alias and associated icon of the virtual volume. For icon information, refer to Virtual Volume Icons in SANsymphony Icons.

Mapped To – Name of the application server (initiator) that the virtual volume is mapped to. ( In the case of Cluster Path, two names appear–initiator and clustered partner.)

DP – A check indicates the virtual volume is from a dual path volume.

NMV – A check indicates the virtual volume is from an NMV pool.

Type – The mirror type or lack of: Linear, Standard Mirror, Multipath Mirror, AP Mirror, Tertiary Mirror, Tertiary AP Mirror, Tertiary Multipath Mirror, or any of the preceding types with Traveller appended.

Size – Size of the LUN  that application servers discover when the virtual volume is mapped.

Status – Status of the virtual volume. Refer to SANcentral Status Descriptions for details.

Diagnostic – Provides an initial diagnostic of a failure. Use this field in conjunction with the Status field for troubleshooting. Refer to SANcentral Diagnostics for a complete list.

Logical Volumes Tab (lower-right pane)

Information for the virtual volume selected in the upper-right pane:

Status column [ ! ] – Status icons indicate additional information about mapping status. Refer to SANsymphony Status Icons for icon details.

Accessibility column – Column indicates whether the storage server is allowing application servers access to the volume. A blank column indicates the volume is accessible; an icon indicates the volume is inaccessible. A common reason for inaccessibility is when a volume is in recovery.

Active/Preferred Path column – This column only applies to volumes specified as Alternate Pathing (AP),  third party AP/ MPIO (3PAP), and Cluster Path/Manual Mapping (CP) mirror types.

  • The Active flag [SANsymphony ssstatusapflag Status Tab] indicates the current path being used for I/O.

  • The Preferred Path [ SANsymphony preferpathflag Status Tab ] icon (only available for AP or CP volumes) indicates the most desirable path to use for I/O. For AP volumes, this will be the primary volume.

Type – The volume type: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Traveller.

Server – Name of the server from which the volume originated.

Volume ID – Alias of the volume.

Size – Allocated size (if the volume is from a pool) and logical volume size, which is the size of the LUN  that application servers discover when the virtual volume is mapped.

Diagnostic – Provides an initial diagnostic of a failure. Use this field in conjunction with the Status field for troubleshooting. Refer to SANcentral Diagnostics for a complete list.

Local Status – Local volume status.

Mirror Status – Volume status of mirror.

Tertiary Status – Volume status of the tertiary volume, if applicable.

Mappings Tab (lower-right pane)

Mapping information for the virtual volume selected in the upper right pane:

Status [ ! ] – Status icons indicate additional information about mapping status. Refer to SANsymphony Status Icons for icon details.

Mapping – describes the direction of the mapping by using the relationship between primary and secondary storage servers, and application systems. For example: Primary-Secondary, Secondary-Primary, Client-Primary, or Client-Secondary.

InitiatorChannel alias of the initiator port.

Target – Channel alias of the target port.

LUN – The SCSI identifier of a logical unit (which corresponds to a virtual disk) of a storage device.

Path Status – Status of the path. Refer to SANcentral Status Descriptions for details.


Context menu items available in the Status tab are listed below.

Most context menu are accessed by selecting an element in the left pane. If any selections are required in the right pane it will be noted with ( rt).  If the context menus are accessed by a series of selections, they are joined by >.

Review any referenced topics for additional information.


Context Menu Options

Nodes (These actions are performed on the local storage server)

Join a Region – Allows a storage server to become part of a specified region. Refer to Joining a Region.

Leave the Region – Removes a storage server from the current region in order to join a different region or remove it from the SAN. Removing the node will result in the node losing the configuration of the current region. Refer to Leaving the Region.

Add a Node to the Region – Allows the local storage server to add another storage server to the same region that it belongs to.  Refer to Adding a Storage Server to the Region.

Storage Domain  Server Name (These actions are performed on the selected storage server.)

Set Online/Set Offline – Allows you to set a storage server offline and bring it back online. A storage server that is set offline will not be able to communicate with other storage servers in the region. You may want to do this if you are performing maintenance activities.

Remove from the Region – Permanently removes a remote storage server from the region. This option is only available if a storage server is selected. Before removing the storage server, remove all references to it within the SAN from mappings to pools. Refer to Removing a Storage Server from the Region.

Resynchronize with the Region – A storage server may need to be synchronized with the rest of the region when it is not receiving configuration updates, such as after a network failure which isolated a particular computer (see the Event Viewer or Alarms Tool).

Event Viewer (also available in the toolbar when Alarms tab is active)

Storage Domain Server Name >Name in Virtual Volume column (rt)> Volume ID in Logical Volumes Tab (rt)

Start recovery using this Volume as healthy base

Enable client access to this Volume

Switch Dual Path Access to this Volume – refer to Changing Read/Write Access on DP Pools.

(Refer to Status Tab Menu Actions for information on all options in this section.)

Storage Domain Server Name >Name in Virtual Volume column (rt)

FailBack to Primary Path (refer to Status Tab Menu Actions)

Storage Domain Server Name >Click anywhere in free area (rt)

Show All

Show Failed only

Show Volumes Mapped to Node – For the selected storage server.

Show Volumes Served by Node – For the selected storage server.

Virtual Volumes >Name in Virtual Volume column (rt)

FailBack to Primary Path  (refer to Status Tab Menu Actions)

Virtual Volumes >Click anywhere in free area (rt)

Show All

Show Failed only



Status Tab