SANcentral Status Descriptions

Virtual Volume Status

The states in the table below are reflected in the Status column (located in the upper right pane) when an application server, storage server, or Virtual Volumes is selected in the left pane of the Status tab.

Virtual Volume States



Virtual volume has been discovered and initialized, is not in recovery, all pathways UP, and is capable of I/O operations.

Not Initialized

A temporary state, neither warning nor error. A newly created virtual volume has not been discovered yet. Primary or secondary mirror status is not available. Wait for the storage servers to discover the volumes.


All storage servers for this virtual volume are down, offline, stopped,  or unreachable (can not communicate). In this case, information is not available and all virtual volumes mapped by the storage server will display this status until recognized by the system. Ensure storage servers are online and verify network connectivity between storage servers.

Redundancy Compromised

Warning. Full redundancy cannot be assured for the virtual volume, possibly due to one or more conditions:

  • One volume is down or in recovery. Check the volume; wait for recovery to complete, if necessary.

  • One path is down. Check network connectivity.

  • One storage server is down or unreachable.  Ensure storage servers are online and verify network connectivity between storage servers.

Third Redundancy Compromised

Warning. Full redundancy cannot be assured for the tertiary virtual volume, possibly due to one or more conditions:

  • Tertiary volume is down or in recovery. Check the volume, wait for recovery to complete, if necessary.

  • Tertiary path is down. Check network connectivity.

  • Tertiary storage server is down or unreachable.  Ensure storage servers are online and verify network connectivity between storage servers.

Traveller Redundancy Compromised

Warning. Full redundancy cannot be assured for the Traveller virtual volume, possibly due to one or more conditions:

  • Traveller volume is down or in recovery. Check the volume, wait for recovery to complete, if necessary.

  • Traveller path is down. Check network connectivity.

  • Traveller storage server is down or unreachable.  Ensure storage servers are online and verify network connectivity between storage servers.


Error. The volume for the linear virtual volume is down or in recovery. Check the volume, wait for recovery to complete, if necessary.

Double Failure

Error. Both volumes in a virtual volume are down, or one volume is down and its mirror requires recovery because the volumes are out of synchronization.


Volume Status

The states in the table below are reflected in the Local Status, Mirror Status, and Tertiary Status columns of the Logical Volumes tab (located in the lower right pane of the Status tab). Volume Status in the table below is for Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Traveller volumes.

 Volume States



Volume information is unknown because the server is down, offline, stopped, or unreachable (can not communicate). Ensure storage servers are online and started, verify network connectivity.


Volume is healthy.

In log recovery

Volume is currently in logged recovery. A temporary state. Wait for recovery to complete.

In full recovery

Volume is currently in full recovery. A temporary state. Wait for recovery to complete.


Volume has been discovered, but not ready to use yet. A temporary state.

Available (need log recovery)

Volume is waiting for logged recovery. A temporary state. The wait may depend on the recovery priority set in the Virtual Volumes Properties dialog box.

The start of recovery may be delayed for NMVs until enough free storage blocks are available.

Available (need full recovery)

Volume is waiting for full recovery. A temporary state. The wait may depend on the recovery priority set in the Virtual Volumes Properties dialog box.

The start of recovery may be delayed for NMVs until enough free storage blocks are available.

Not available

Volume is not discovered yet. Check the volume; it may be in reclamation (refer to Pools Performance) or try rescanning in Windows Disk Management, if necessary.

Not available (need log recovery)

Volume is not discovered yet, and will need logged recovery when discovered. Check the volume; it may be in reclamation (refer to Pools Performance) or try rescanning in Windows Disk Management, if necessary.

Not available (need full recovery)

Volume is not discovered yet, and will need full  recovery when discovered. Check the volume; it may be in reclamation (refer to Pools Performance) or try rescanning in Windows Disk Management, if necessary.

Not Initialized

Initialization is required in order for the volume to be recognized.  (Initialization normally occurs after volume creation or a restart of the system.) This is a temporary state. Wait for initialization to occur.


Mapping Status

The states in the table below are reflected in the Status column (located in the upper right pane) when a domain name selected in the left pane of the Status tab.

Mapping States



Path is up and healthy.


Storage server is down, offline, virtualization is stopped, or otherwise unreachable (unable to communicate). Ensure storage servers are online and started, verify network connectivity.


Mapping has been taken offline in Mapping Properties from Virtual Volume Properties dialog box in SAN Mappings tab.


Mapping has been disabled.

Not connected

Topological error.


Path Status

The states in the table below are reflected in the Path Status column of the Mappings tab (located in the lower right pane of the Status tab).  

Pathing States



Path is up and healthy.


Storage server is down, offline, virtualization is stopped, or otherwise unreachable (unable to communicate). Ensure storage servers are online and started, verify network connectivity.


Mapping has been taken offline in Mapping Properties from Virtual Volume Properties dialog box in SAN Mappings tab.


Topological error.


Mapping has been disabled.


Node Status

The states in the table below are reflected in the upper right pane when Nodes in selected in there left pane of the Status tab.  

Node States


(No status)

Node is up and healthy.


Node has been taken offline.

Not in a region

Node has been removed from the region.


Virtualization service has been stopped.


Status Descriptions