Channel Details

Channel Details is available from SANcentral>Tools> Performance.

This display allows you to see the channel details, including the read and write I/Ops. You can select individual channels or all channels. Instance allows monitoring of a particular storage server channel.  Select by channel’s name. (These are the same as seen in Port Database in the right pane and on the SANmanager Channels tab.) Each channel operates in target mode and/or initiator mode.

SANsymphony chnldetails Channel Details


Channel Performance


Read and Write

Total I/O on all server channels.

 % Read I/O

Shows ratio of reads divided by the total for I/O.

% Target I/O

Shows balance between Target I/O and initiator I/O overall channels.

% Read KB

Shows ratio of reads divided by the total for KB.

% Target KB

Shows balance between Target KB and initiator KB over all channels.

Status Bar

Collection Status - Green indicates cache data is OK. Red indicates cache data is invalid.

Computer name – Storage server that the information pertains to.

Channel Details