Using FTP Transfer Mode
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is best for data transfers over long distances. The configuration of the DataCore AIM Source Service itself is not needed, as the DataCore AIM Source Service will use the FTP APIs on the AIM Source Server to connect directly with the FTP Server software installed on the AIM Destination Server. Therefore, the configuration is required on the FTP Server software on AIM Destination Servers only.
If you are using the FTP Transfer Mode:
For Windows 2008, add a server role for Web Server (IIS) with the FTP Publishing Service option on AIM Destination Servers. (Please refer to Microsoft Windows documentation, if necessary.)
The Windows firewall must be configured to allow FTP traffic. (Please refer to Microsoft or Internet Information Services (IIS) Web sites for more information and instructions on configuring FTP firewall settings.)
During the installation of the AIM software, the designated destination buffer is assigned a share with a share name of AimBuffer. However, when using the FTP Transfer Mode, this share is not used.
To designate the destination buffer as the Home Directory of the default FTP site on AIM Destination Servers:
Windows 2008 Server
On the AIM Destination Server, navigate to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager.
In the Connections pane (left), click the FTP Sites node in the tree.
In the middle pane, launch FTP Management.
In IIS Manager, expand the tree and open FTP Sites.
Right-click Default FTP Site and choose Properties.
Click the Home Directory tab.
Browse to the local path to the destination buffer.
Select the Write, Read, and Log Visits check boxes.
Click Apply.
Click the FTP Site tab.
Choose the IP address of the local server (the computer you are using) from the drop-down menu. This is the IP address that the source server will use to connect to the destination server.
Enter the TCP port number (the default is 21). This port number must match the port you select on the source server.
Click OK.
Assigning the data transfer mode is part of configuring the destination server. Refer to Configuring Destination Servers for additional instructions.