Defining Marker Actions

Markers can trigger events or to run any executable file that can be run from a command line. Before all markers are sent, the action they are intended to perform on the destination server must be defined. You can define, delete, or edit marker actions from the same window.

To configure the marker definition:

  1. Open AIM Destination Manager.

  2. In the left pane, select the Aim Destination Manager element and choose Define Marker Action from the context menu.

  3. In the Define Marker Action window, double-click on AimMarker to define the action for the default marker, or right-click in the empty area of the window and choose New Marker from the context menu to define a user defined marker.

SANsymphony definemarkeraction Defining Marker Actions

  1. The New Marker dialog box appears. In the Marker Name text box, enter the marker, if necessary. The marker is case sensitive and can be comprised of up to 15 alpha-numeric characters, symbols, and spaces.

  2. In the Associated Activity area, make a selection:

    • Event – Enter an Event Name, defined in the user program, waiting to be signaled.

    • Console Application – Enter the path to the executable file or click Browse to locate one.

    CAUTION:  The console application will be run as a 32-bit application. If you configure a command line referencing a redirected folder, such as c:windowssystem32cmd.exe, the operating will actually end up executing c:windowssyswow64cmd.exe. In order to execute a 64-bit application in response to the marker, configure the command line as c:windowssysnativecmd.exe.

SANsymphony definemarkeraction2 Defining Marker Actions

  1. Click OK in the New Marker dialog box. The marker appears in the Define Marker Action window with an event or console application defined.

  1. Click OK in the New Marker dialog box to close it.

Deleting a Marker

To delete a marker, select the marker from the Define Marker Action window, and choose Delete from the context menu.

Editing a Marker

To edit a marker, double-click the marker to edit in the Define Marker Action window to open the New Marker dialog box. Make the changes and click OK to close the dialog box.

Defining Marker Actions