AIM Source Manager Toolbar

This is the toolbar in AIM Source Manager:

SANsymphony aimsrcmgr toolbar AIM Source Manager Toolbar


The toolbar buttons displayed depend on the selections made in the panes.

SANsymphony backbutton AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Allows you to browse back and forward.

SANsymphony updirctory AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Allows you to access another directory level.

SANsymphony showhideconsoletree AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Show/Hide Console Tree

SANsymphony clearalrm AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Deletes the selected AIM set.

SANsymphony properties AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Displays the properties for the selected AIM set.

SANsymphony refresh AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Refreshes the information in the right pane.

SANsymphony reportsicon AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Export list.

SANsymphony sancentralhelp AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Select the AIM Source Manager component in the left pane and click the Help button to open the Help for AIM Source Manager.   

SANsymphony showhideactionpane AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Show/Hide Action Pane

SANsymphony linktest AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Starts a manual link test.

SANsymphony flush AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Flushes the selected AIM set.

SANsymphony aimsnapshot AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Creates a snapshot for the selected source volume.

SANsymphony custommarker AIM Source Manager Toolbar

Opens a text box used to send a custom marker. Enter the marker in the text box the click OK.


AIM Source Manager Toolbar