AIM System Types

During SANsymphony installation, AIM is automatically configured to act as both Source and Destination Servers.

Source and destination servers can be either SANsymphony or SANmelody, or a combination of both.

AIM can be used to recover from disk failure on the source server. If, in the future, you may elect to use the AIM destination virtual volume to recover from a disk failure on the source server, make sure to set the storage server as both source and destination server during AIM installation.

During installation, you must designate the storage server as one of the following system types:

  • Source – The source server can mirror data to single or multiple destinations using standard IP connections. During the installation of AIM, select Source in the Setup Type dialog box.

  • Destination – The destination server can receive mirrored data from single or multiple sources over standard IP connections. During the installation of AIM, select Destination in the Setup Type dialog box.

  • Source and destination – A server configured as both source and destination, can transfer data to both single or multiple destinations, and receive mirrored data from single or multiple sources using standard IP connections. During the installation of AIM, select Both in the Setup Type dialog box.

It is possible to change the storage server type after you have installed the software, but it will require a restart of the storage server.

AIM System Types