Configuring Authentication

Configuring Authentication is performed in the iSCSI Manager tool in SANsymphony Console.

To configure authentication for iSCSI targets on the storage server:
  1. In the console tree, click iSCSI Manager.

  2. In the right pane, select an iSCSI target channel and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.

  3. In the Properties box, click the Authentication tab and select CHAP in the Authentication Method box.

SANsymphony iscsi authenticationtab Configuring Authentication

  1. In the list box, select the Node Name of the initiator and click Settings to open the Authentication Information dialog box.

  2. In the Incoming Authentication Information area, enter and confirm the secret in the provided boxes. Secrets can be 12-27 characters. (Notice that the Remote Node Name and Remote User Name reflect your iSCSI node selection from the previous dialog box.)
    NOTE: The target secret you enter here must match the CHAP secrets for the corresponding initiator connections. (On storage servers, initiator secrets are entered using the MS iSCSI Initiator properties box, if configured as initiators. See Entering a CHAP Secret in iSCSI Manager.)
    SANsymphony iscsi authenticationinfo Configuring Authentication

  3. For a higher level of security, select the Perform Mutual Authentication check box. In the Outgoing Authentication Information area, provide and confirm an additional secret
    CAUTION: For mutual authentication, you will also need to configure the secret on the target, but assign the secret on the initiator FIRST.

  4. Click Apply. Continue configuring the secrets for the appropriate initiator/target connections in the same manner.

Related topic:

iSCSI Security and Error Detection

Configuring Authentication