GetSnapExtendedStatus DcsSnap{relationship#}
This command can be used to retrieve the status of the various Snapshot processes for a particular snapshot relationship and determine if the snapshot relationship is currently enabled or disabled. This function also returns the percent difference between a snapshot relationship’s source volume and destination volume and the percent completion of its destination volume.
DcsSnap# : A value that represents the snapshot relationship number.
Return Value:
0: success.
-1: failure. Call the GetLastErrors command for extended error code information.
Error Codes:
DCSPIT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: There is either a potential version mismatch between API and driver, or the snapshot relationship is not enabled.
DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: Either the snapshot relationship was not created, or it does not exist.
DCSPIT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: Memory allocation has failed.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: Either hDeviceHandle is an invalid handle, or pStatus is NULL.