

GroupStopCI SnapshotGroup


This command is used to stop the Complete Image process on a specified group of snapshot relationships. This command is useful when the destination volumes are no longer needed.


SnapshotGroup:   A valid snapshot group name.

Return Value:

0:  success.

-1:  failure (see the Comments section below).

Error Codes:

DCSPIT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:  There is either a potential version mismatch between API and driver, or a snapshot relationship is not enabled.

DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:  One or more snapshot relationships do not exist.


You can use the GroupGetStatus command to verify the success of this command. To discover why the command may have failed, use the GetLastErrors command.

If the Complete Image process is stopped, re-starting the Complete Image process will start the replication where it left off.

When the Complete Image process has completed, if you want to write new changes from the source to the destination volumes, use the GroupStartIU command.
