

SetSourceUpdateDelay #ms DcsSnap#


This command is used to set a millisecond delay between data replication transfer that occurs during the Source Update process. Slowing down the data replication process can lower the overall system load during periods of peak system usage.


DcsSnap#:  A value that represents the snapshot relationship number.

#ms: Number of milliseconds to be used for the delay.

Return Value:

0:  success.

-1:  failure. Call the GetLastErrors command for extended error code information.

Error Codes:

DCSPIT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:  There is either a potential version mismatch between API and driver, or the snapshot relationship is not enabled.

DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:  The snapshot relationship does not exist.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:  hDeviceHandle is an invalid handle.


You can use the GetSnapStatus command or the GetSnapExtendedStatus command to verify the success of this command.
