Snapshot Utility

The Snapshot Utility displays Snapshot information for all storage servers in the region and various commands can be initiated on a snapshot set or group. In order for information to be displayed in the utility for a particular storage server, the storage server must be licensed for Snapshot and the Snapshot software must be installed on that storage server.

Access the Snapshot Utility from the SANcentral interface. Click on the camera icon in the toolbar or select Tools>Snapshot Utility from the menu bar.

To open the Help for Snapshot Utility, click Help>Snapshot Utility Help on the menu bar.

How the Panes Work…

As in all SANsymphony interfaces, the windows consist of left and right panes. In the left pane is an expandable tree comprised of different elements. When you select an element in the tree, you will be provided with associated information in the upper-right pane. You can select a snapshot set in the upper-right pane and display the associated virtual volume information in the lower-right pane. (Column descriptions are following.)

Select the Storage Domain Servers folder to view information pertaining to Snapshot sets on all storage servers. Then, select a set in the upper-right pane to view specific information for that set in the lower-right pane.

 SANsymphony snapshotutility2 Snapshot Utility

Select an individual storage server in the left pane to view snapshot information pertaining to that server in the upper-right pane. Then, select a set in the upper-right pane to view specific information for that set in the lower-right pane.

SANsymphony snapshotutility3 Snapshot Utility

Select an individual application server for information pertaining to that particular server in the upper-right pane.

SANsymphony snapshotutility1 Snapshot Utility


Column Information

The following table contain descriptions of column information displayed in the right panes when elements are selected in the left panes.

Application Server Name Selected


Virtual Volume

Name of the source virtual volume that is mapped to the selected application server.

Relationship Name

Name of the snapshot set.


Snapshot relationship number and designation (SRC = source)

Logical Size

Size of the LUN  that application servers discover when the virtual volume is mapped.

SDS Name

Name of the host storage server.

Storage Domain Server Selected


Relationship Name

Name of the snapshot set.

Snapshot Group

The name of the group of which the snapshot set is a member, if applicable.


The status of the snapshot relationship.

Possible statuses include: Enabled, Enabled (Inaccessible), Disabled (Discarding), Disabled, Disabled (Inaccessible), Unusable.

Migration (%)

Percentage of data from the source that has been migrated to the destination while the snapshot is enabled.   

Image Delta (MB)

Amount of data that is different between the source and destination. This amount can be used to estimate how long additional operations such as a Source Update (SU) operation could take.

Image Time

Displays the point in time at which the relationship was last enabled or an Image Update or Source Update was last performed. (When an Image Update or Source Update is performed the image point in time is updated.)

Snapshot Set Selected


Virtual Volume

Name of the virtual volumes in the snapshot set.


Snapshot relationship number and designation (SRC = source or DST = destination)

Mapped To

Application server name that was served and discovered the source virtual volume of the snapshot set.

Logical Size

Size of the LUN  that application servers discover when the virtual volume is mapped.

Snapshot Utility Functions

The snapshot functions can be performed from the Actions menu or from context menus when an element is selected and the appropriate mouse button is clicked.


Refer to Snapshot Commands for a complete list of commands available from the utility and the descriptions. Perform a Refresh (Actions>Refresh) in the Snapshot Utility prior to performing commands to verify that any previous commands have completed.

To perform commands on single snapshot relationships:

In the left pane, select the host storage server, then in the upper-right pane, select the snapshot set, and choose the command from the context menu. Alternatively, you can make the same selections from the Actions menu.

To perform commands on snapshot groups:

In the left pane, select the host storage server, then in the upper-right pane, select a snapshot set that belongs to the group, and from the context menu select Action on Group, then select the command. Alternatively, you can make the same selections from the Actions menu.

Any I/O errors that occur on an enabled snapshot set may cause the set to have an Unusable status, which will be displayed in the Status column in the Snapshot Utility.

Snapshot Set Properties

Display the properties by selecting the set in the upper-right pane, and choosing Properties from the context menu. Alternatively, this function is available from the Actions menu. In the Properties,  Enabled Bitmap Storage refers to the amount of storage currently being used by enabled snapshot sets.


Delays can be set for Complete Image and Source Update commands, refer to Setting Delays for more information.


Snapshot Utility