SANsymphony Icons

The tables below contain illustrations and descriptions of many of the icons used in SANsymphony software.

General SANsymphony Icons

SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony sds SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony sdsoffline SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony sdswithwarning SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony sdswitherror SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony sdslocked SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony sdslockedwwarning SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony sdsofflinelocked SANsymphony Icons

Storage Server (normal, offline, with warning status, with error status, locked, locked with warning status, locked with error status)

SANsymphony applicationserver SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony appsrvoffline SANsymphony Icons ,SANsymphony appserverwitherror SANsymphony Icons

Application Server (normal, offline, with error status)

SANsymphony travellersvrnormal SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony travellersvroffline SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony travellersvrwwarning SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony travellersvrerror SANsymphony Icons,SANsymphony travellersvrlocked SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony travellersvrlockedwwarning SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony travellersvrlockedwerror SANsymphony Icons

Traveller Server (normal, offline, with warning status, with error status, locked, locked with warning status, locked with error status)

SANsymphony mgtconsole SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony mgtconsolewitherrorstatus SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony mgtconsoleoffline SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony mgtconsolelocked SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony mgtconsoleofflinelocked SANsymphony Icons

Management Console (normal, with error status, offline, locked, locked with error status)

SANsymphony region SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony mapping SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony domain SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony disk SANsymphony Icons

Disk in Volume ID pane

SANsymphony spinningdisk SANsymphony Icons

Disk in Volume ID pane with active I/O (sometimes referred to as a spinning disk)


SANcentral Status Tab Icons

Status Tab  Icons


SANsymphony ssstatuswarning SANsymphony Icons

Status Warning

SANsymphony ssstatusoffline SANsymphony Icons

Status Alarm

SANsymphony ssstatusadditionalinfo SANsymphony Icons

Additional Status Information Available

SANsymphony ssstatusnoinfo SANsymphony Icons

No Status Information Available

SANsymphony inaccessible SANsymphony Icons

Inaccessible volume

SANsymphony writethrucacheenabled SANsymphony Icons

 Write Through Cache Enabled

SANsymphony proxymodeenabled SANsymphony Icons

Proxy Mode Enabled

SANsymphony ssstatusapflag SANsymphony Icons

Active Path

SANsymphony preferpathflag SANsymphony Icons

Preferred Path


SANcentral Alarms Tab Icons

Alarms Tab Icons


SANsymphony informationsmall SANsymphony Icons

Informational event.

SANsymphony warningsmall SANsymphony Icons

Warning for event that has limited impact (recoverable) on driver function.

SANsymphony errorsmall SANsymphony Icons

Error for event that is serious has impact on driver function.


Virtual Volume Icons

Linear Virtual Volume Icons


SANsymphony virtualvolume SANsymphony Icons

Unmapped linear

SANsymphony dpvvol SANsymphony Icons

Dual Path (DP) unmapped linear

SANsymphony linearvolumemapped SANsymphony Icons

Mapped linear

SANsymphony lineardpvolumemapped SANsymphony Icons

DP mapped linear

SANsymphony linearvolumemultimapped SANsymphony Icons

Multi-mapped linear

SANsymphony lineardpvolumemultimapped SANsymphony Icons

DP Multi-mapped linear


Mirrored Virtual Volume Icons


SANsymphony mirrorvvol SANsymphony Icons

Unmapped standard mirror

SANsymphony mirrorvvolha SANsymphony Icons

Unmapped highly available (HA) mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrordpvvol SANsymphony Icons

Unmapped DP mirror

SANsymphony mirrordpvvolha SANsymphony Icons

Unmapped DP HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrorvolumemapped SANsymphony Icons

Mapped standard mirror

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumemapped SANsymphony Icons

Mapped DP mirror

SANsymphony mirrorvolumehamapped SANsymphony Icons

Mapped HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumehamapped SANsymphony Icons

Mapped HA DP mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrorvolumemultimapped SANsymphony Icons

Multi-mapped standard mirror

SANsymphony mirrorvolumehamultimapped SANsymphony Icons

Multi-mapped HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumemultimapped SANsymphony Icons

Multi-Mapped DP mirror

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumehamultimapped SANsymphony Icons

Multi-mapped HA DP mirror


Disk Manager Icons

The toolbar icons are only available when a storage server has proxy mode enabled. They are activated when the Physical Disks component is highlighted and a proxied volume candidate is selected in Disk Manager.

Disk Manager Toolbar Icons


SANsymphony ddmshowdisk SANsymphony Icons

Show disk in DataCore Disk Manager – Allows access to a proxied volume candidate, in order to make it a proxied volume or make it a standard disk. (When a disk is tagged as a standard disk, it is no longer available for proxy mode; refer to the Make standard disk option below.)  The Show disk option is only available when the storage server is proxy mode enabled.

SANsymphony ddmhidedisk SANsymphony Icons

Hide disk in DataCore Disk Manager – Prevents access to a volume thereby preventing any action on the volume. The Hide disk option is only available when the storage server is proxy mode enabled.

  SANsymphony proxyvolcandidate SANsymphony Icons

Candidate for Proxied disk.

SANsymphony ddmmakeproxieddisk SANsymphony Icons

Make Proxied disk – Refer to Identifying and Creating Proxied Volumes.

SANsymphony ddmdeleteproxieddisk SANsymphony Icons

Delete Proxied disk

SANsymphony ddmmakestandarddisk SANsymphony Icons

Make (create) standard disk – Writes a DataCore signature on the disk, so that it can be used as a SANsymphony volume and therefore, cannot be used as a proxied volume. Never use this icon for proxied volumes.


Disk Manager Icons


SANsymphony ddmdisk SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony ddmhiddendisk SANsymphony Icons

Hidden disk – A volume that is unreadable in Windows Disk Management. Any disk not preformatted with Windows data will be automatically hidden when discovered by Disk Manager.  

SANsymphony ddmproxieddisk SANsymphony Icons

Proxied disk

SANsymphony ddmprotectedvolume SANsymphony Icons

Protected volume


Disk Path Manager Icons

Disk Path Manager Icons


SANsymphony hba SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony hbaoffline SANsymphony Icons

Host Bus Adapter (normal, offline)

SANsymphony mappedtosds SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony iscsi SANsymphony Icons, SANsymphony iscsioffline SANsymphony Icons

iSCSI (normal, offline)


Fibre-Channel Manager Icons

Fibre-Channel Manager Icons


SANsymphony hba SANsymphony Icons

Fibre Channel

SANsymphony mappedtosds SANsymphony Icons


SANsymphony iscsi SANsymphony Icons

iSCSI channel

SANsymphony fcmgrgreencheck SANsymphony Icons

State of the port is present (reported by the switch) and logged in.

SANsymphony fcmgrredx SANsymphony Icons

State of the port is not present (not reported by the switch) and logged out.

SANsymphony exclamation SANsymphony Icons

State of the port is not present (not reported by the switch) but still logged in.

SANsymphony fcmgrgreencheck SANsymphony Icons + Displays Logged Out in Status column.

State of the port is present (reported by the switch, but not logged in.


iSCSI Manager Icons

iSCSI  Manager Icons


SANsymphony iscsi SANsymphony Icons

iSCSI target channel.

SANsymphony iscsi initiator SANsymphony Icons

iSCSI initiator channel.

SANsymphony fcmgrgreencheck SANsymphony Icons

State of the port is present.

SANsymphony fcmgrredx SANsymphony Icons

State of the port is not present.

SANsymphony exclamation SANsymphony Icons

State of the port is not existent, port has temporarily disappeared.


Trace Console Icons

Trace Console Icons


SANsymphony informationsmall SANsymphony Icons

Informational event.

SANsymphony warningsmall SANsymphony Icons

Warning for event that has limited impact (recoverable) on driver function.

SANsymphony errorsmall SANsymphony Icons

Error for event that is serious has impact on driver function.

SANsymphony Icons