SANmanager Icons

The tables below contain illustrations and descriptions of the most common icons encountered in SANmanager.

General SANmanager Icons

SANmanager Icons


SANsymphony sds SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony sdswitherror SANmanager Icons

Storage Server (normal, offline)

SANsymphony applicationserver SANmanager Icons

Application Server

SANsymphony domain SANmanager Icons


SANsymphony volume SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony volumeoffline SANmanager Icons

Volume (normal, offline)

SANsymphony dpvolume SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony dpvolumeoffline SANmanager Icons

Dual Path Volume (normal, offline)

SANsymphony sharedvolume SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony sharedvolumeoffline SANmanager Icons

Volume Used in Virtual Volume (normal, offline)

SANsymphony dpvvol normal SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony dpvvol offline SANmanager Icons

Dual Path Volume used in Virtual Volume (normal, offline)

SANsymphony dirtyvolume SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony dirtydpvolume SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony dirtydpvolumeoffline SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony dirtyvoloffline SANmanager Icons

Volumes previously used and unmapped (normal, Dual Path, Dual Path offline, offline). After an Apply (when volume is reinitialized), this icon reverts to the grey icon.

SANsymphony hotspare SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony hotspareoffline SANmanager Icons

Hot Spare Volumes (normal, offline)

SANsymphony dphotspare SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony dphotspareoffline SANmanager Icons

Dual Path Hot Spare Volumes (normal, offline)

SANsymphony volumesizechange SANmanager Icons

Denotes a volume that is displaying a larger size than the size recognized in the previous refresh or apply. (A possible reason for the size change may be that a partition has been extended on the disk.) If a virtual volume exists for this volume, the size can be extended.

SANsymphony hba SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony hbaoffline SANmanager Icons

Host Bus Adapter (normal, offline)

SANsymphony mappedtosds SANmanager Icons


 SANsymphony iscsi SANmanager Icons, SANsymphony iscsioffline SANmanager Icons

ISCSI (normal, offline)

SANsymphony mapping SANmanager Icons  SANsymphony mapping ap 3pap SANmanager Icons  SANsymphony mappingiscsi SANmanager Icons

 SANsymphony mapping ap 3pap iscsi SANmanager Icons  SANsymphony mappingoffline SANmanager Icons  SANsymphony mapping ap 3pap offline SANmanager Icons SANsymphony mappingiscsioffline SANmanager Icons  SANsymphony mapping ap 3pap iscsi offline SANmanager Icons

Mapping:  (Fibre Channel (FC), FC preferred path mapping, iSCSI,

preferred path over iSCSI, FC offline*, FC preferred path offline*,

 iSCSI offline*, preferred path over iSCSI offline*)

SANsymphony notapplied SANmanager Icons

Configuration Not Applied (transparent background)

 *Offline condition is due to a topographical error.

Virtual Volume Icons

Linear Virtual Volume Icons


SANsymphony virtualvolume SANmanager Icons

Unmapped linear

SANsymphony dpvvol SANmanager Icons

Dual Path (DP) linear

SANsymphony linearvolumemapped SANmanager Icons

Mapped linear

SANsymphony lineardpvolumemapped SANmanager Icons

DP mapped linear

SANsymphony linearvolumemultimapped SANmanager Icons

Multi-mapped linear

SANsymphony lineardpvolumemultimapped SANmanager Icons

DP Multi-mapped linear


Mirrored Virtual Volume Icons


SANsymphony mirrorvvol SANmanager Icons

Unmapped standard mirror

SANsymphony mirrorvvolha SANmanager Icons

Unmapped highly available (HA) mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrordpvvol SANmanager Icons

Unmapped DP mirror

SANsymphony mirrordpvvolha SANmanager Icons

Unmapped DP HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrorvolumemapped SANmanager Icons

Mapped standard mirror

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumemapped SANmanager Icons

Mapped DP mirror

SANsymphony mirrorvolumehamapped SANmanager Icons

Mapped HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumehamapped SANmanager Icons

Mapped HA DP mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrorvolumemultimapped SANmanager Icons

Multi-mapped standard mirror

SANsymphony mirrorvolumehamultimapped SANmanager Icons

Multi-mapped HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP).

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumemultimapped SANmanager Icons

Multi-Mapped DP mirror

SANsymphony mirrordpvolumehamultimapped SANmanager Icons

Multi-mapped HA DP mirror


NMV Pool and Volume (NMV) Icons

NMV Icons


SANsymphony rawdisk SANmanager Icons

Raw Disk

SANsymphony dprawdisk SANmanager Icons

Dual Path Raw Disk

SANsymphony faulttolerantdisk SANmanager Icons

Fault Tolerant Disk

SANsymphony faulttolerantdpdisk SANmanager Icons

Fault Tolerant Dual Path Disk

SANsymphony partiallyfaulttolerantdisk SANmanager Icons

This particular disk is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are.

SANsymphony partiallyfaulttolerantdpdisk SANmanager Icons

This particular Dual Path disk is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are.

SANsymphony pool SANmanager Icons

NMV Pool

SANsymphony dppool SANmanager Icons

Dual Path Pool

SANsymphony faulttolerantpool SANmanager Icons

Fault Tolerant NMV Pool

SANsymphony faulttolerantdppool SANmanager Icons

Fault Tolerant Dual Path NMV Pool

SANsymphony partiallyfaulttolerantpool SANmanager Icons

Partially Fault Tolerant NMV Pool; pool is partially fault tolerant because this pool contains at least one disk that is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are.

SANsymphony partiallyfaulttolerantdppool SANmanager Icons

Partially Fault Tolerant Dual Path NMV Pool; pool is partially fault tolerant because this pool contains at least one dual path disk that is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are.

Snapshot Icons

Snapshot Icons


SANsymphony snapshotset SANmanager Icons

Snapshot relationship

SANmanager Icons