SANmanager Icons
The tables below contain illustrations and descriptions of the most common icons encountered in SANmanager.
General SANmanager Icons
SANmanager Icons |
Explanation |
Storage Server (normal, offline) |
Application Server |
Domain |
Volume (normal, offline) |
Dual Path Volume (normal, offline) |
Volume Used in Virtual Volume (normal, offline) |
Dual Path Volume used in Virtual Volume (normal, offline) |
Volumes previously used and unmapped (normal, Dual Path, Dual Path offline, offline). After an Apply (when volume is reinitialized), this icon reverts to the grey icon. |
Hot Spare Volumes (normal, offline) |
Dual Path Hot Spare Volumes (normal, offline) |
Denotes a volume that is displaying a larger size than the size recognized in the previous refresh or apply. (A possible reason for the size change may be that a partition has been extended on the disk.) If a virtual volume exists for this volume, the size can be extended. |
Host Bus Adapter (normal, offline) |
Loopback |
ISCSI (normal, offline) |
Mapping: (Fibre Channel (FC), FC preferred path mapping, iSCSI, preferred path over iSCSI, FC offline*, FC preferred path offline*, iSCSI offline*, preferred path over iSCSI offline*) |
Configuration Not Applied (transparent background) |
*Offline condition is due to a topographical error.
Virtual Volume Icons
Linear Virtual Volume Icons |
Explanation |
Unmapped linear |
Dual Path (DP) linear |
Mapped linear |
DP mapped linear |
Multi-mapped linear |
DP Multi-mapped linear |
Mirrored Virtual Volume Icons |
Explanation |
Unmapped standard mirror |
Unmapped highly available (HA) mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP). |
Unmapped DP mirror |
Unmapped DP HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP). |
Mapped standard mirror |
Mapped DP mirror |
Mapped HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP). |
Mapped HA DP mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP). |
Multi-mapped standard mirror |
Multi-mapped HA mirror, includes mirror types: 3rd Party AP/MPIO (3PAP), Alternate Path (AP) or Cluster Path/Manual Mappings (CP). |
Multi-Mapped DP mirror |
Multi-mapped HA DP mirror |
NMV Pool and Volume (NMV) Icons
NMV Icons |
Explanation |
Raw Disk |
Dual Path Raw Disk |
Fault Tolerant Disk |
Fault Tolerant Dual Path Disk |
This particular disk is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are. |
This particular Dual Path disk is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are. |
NMV Pool |
Dual Path Pool |
Fault Tolerant NMV Pool |
Fault Tolerant Dual Path NMV Pool |
Partially Fault Tolerant NMV Pool; pool is partially fault tolerant because this pool contains at least one disk that is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are. |
Partially Fault Tolerant Dual Path NMV Pool; pool is partially fault tolerant because this pool contains at least one dual path disk that is not fault tolerant and other disks in the same pool are. |
Snapshot Icons
Snapshot Icons |
Explanation |
Snapshot relationship |