Starting the DataCore Virtualization Service
The DataCore Virtualization Service is responsible for “starting” all of the various DataCore SANsymphony software components and drivers to begin handling and performing all the requested functions.
CAUTION: When a system is restarted, this service starts automatically. Although if a system restarts unexpectedly, this service will not start automatically, even if set in Automatic mode. SANsymphony software does this as a precaution.
In the upper-right pane, select the storage server to start virtualization.
In the lower-right pane, click Start in the DataCore Virtualization Service area. (Alternatively, in the Menu bar, select Actions>Start Virtualization.)
Do not proceed until Running status is reflected in the Status bar.
If starting SANsymphony software for the first time, return to Installing SANsymphony for further instructions.