About Domains

A domain, also referred to as a storage domain, is a collection of end-to-end connections (or “mappings”) between application servers and their virtual volumes. Storage domains allow logical grouping of these mappings and the ability to apply rules and policies to the entire group.

A SANsymphony region can have multiple storage domains.  Through a storage domain, the SAN administrator groups together mappings whose I/O traffic will be controlled through configurable parameters. Multiple domains provide enhanced data security and configurable Quality of Service (QOS) capabilities for your SAN. There is no limit to the number of storage domains that can be defined and configured.

Each storage domain uses underlying services provided by one or many storage servers through which mappings are defined.  Because the storage domain view spans the physical boundary of the storage server itself, its group of mappings can be hosted by multiple storage servers. Individual mappings may be moved from one storage domain to another at any time if another storage domain better corresponds to the traffic pattern that the mapping requires. As an example, a mapping performing transactional processing and requiring the high I/O rates set for its hosting storage domain during peak hours may be moved to another storage domain with a lower rate of I/O suited for backup purposes during off-peak hours.


Related Topics:

Setting Domain Restrictions

Adding/Deleting Domains

Adding Mappings to a Domain

Domain Security Features

Changing Domain Properties

Domains and Groups Tab


About Domains